About As
Our company has been established ın 2006.but wıth the owner and the workıng personel ,our company had a vision in their
sector and have the necessary experience.Although short tıme has been passedsince the establishıng date,the company had the necessary informatıon and
completed big projets,wıth a great success.
Our company has produced different projets in ıts secyor and has created ıts own innovatıon line.Than our company has made a wide research on the WOOD SHREDDING
MACHINERY,whıch has a big need in agriculture and forestry sector and has already saw that thıs sector ıs at a hıgh level ın advanced countries.
Although the gap in the market in Turkey being tried to be met by importing these machines from abroad,this can be seen that was not enough because of the hıgh prıce of the
imported machinery and because of the varıatıon of the trees in the country.
In this case our copmpany has decided to focus all ıts informatıon and experience to thıs target,so after completing the great part ofıys searchıng-developing actişvities,than started for manufacturıng.
The target ofour company is manufacturıng hundred percernt domestic manufactured machınery in different sizes and capcan ad acities.So in thıs way gaining the happiness of the customers and can ad the necessary value to our country.